Social Media Detox: A Therapist’s Take

With the recent removal of likes, Instagram and the effects of social media on our psyche has been a hot button topic. According to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri, removing likes was an effort to provide a safe space on the internet, in the wake of bullying, anxiety, and depression. To further investigate, beyond the barrage of opinions and debate on the platfor[...]

Maximize Creativity, Productivity, and Relationships Based on Your Enneagram

I am the first to admit—I am a personality quiz-junkie. Lately, I've obsessing over the recent popularity of Enneagram Personality Types. The ideology is derived from Oscar Ichazo, who created the Arica School in the 1960s to share the teachings he learned during his travels in Asia. He focused heavily on self-realization and combined the study of the stars,[...]

Arctic Refuge Art Pop-Up Sparks Activism

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to breathe the arctic air? To be surrounded by caribou, arctic foxes, and polar bears? To be completely enveloped by the sights, smells, and atmosphere of the arctic? Now you can easily feel these sensations without the plane ticket or time off. A team of talented artists and innovative creatives have collaborated[...]

How to Write Successful Daily Affirmations

Negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions are normal. So why do we beat ourselves up when negativity seeps into our lives? Emerging feelings of guilt quickly lead to a cynical mentality. The good news? Learning to implement simple affirmations can not only replace negative feelings but can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life.  What are Affirm[...]

How To Start Working Towards Your Ideal Life

I sat at my computer on the first Monday three weeks after I put my notice in at my cozy 9-5 gig. Okay, I thought, here we go! Then, I just sat. Scrolled through social media, read a few blog posts, and then it was five o'clock. The great thing about not having a boss is, well, you don't have a boss. The downside? You don't have anyone holding you accountabl[...]

5 Ways To Implement Gratitude Daily

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tolle. We should be grateful for all that we have in our lives. Sometimes that's easy and things just fall into place. Dominoes one by one. But sometimes, life can be a mess and every element around you seems to be in disarray. It's these times that we wa[...]

The Worst Advice About Chasing Dreams

I remember sitting in my cubicle typing daunting e-mails, answering dozens of phone calls, and barely staying awake through pointless meetings thinking, “is this all there is to life?” I used to think I was the only one that looked around at fellow corporate drones feeling out of place until I started talking to others about my aspirations. Most of my cowor[...]