I am the first to admit—I am a personality quiz-junkie. Lately, I’ve obsessing over the recent popularity of Enneagram Personality Types. The ideology is derived from Oscar Ichazo, who created the Arica School in the 1960s to share the teachings he learned during his travels in Asia. He focused heavily on self-realization and combined the study of the stars, metaphysics, psychology, and spirituality. Ichanzo’s school and teachings were vast.

The main feature his students discussed was the ancient Enneagram, a symbol that can be traced back alongside Pythagoras’ teachings. The modern world can thank Goerge Gurdjieff, the founder of an inner-work school, for its introduction. He used this symbol as a way to understand the ego structure of a person and a way for us to define ourselves.

Enneagram types are a great way to become more self-aware. Understanding what makes you tick, motivates you, and helps you connect with others can lead to a more fulfilling life. It also helps with awareness of others to more easily deepen relationships, connect, and build community.

Finding Your Enneagram Type

There are several tests to choose from online, both paid and free. A few popular sources include Truity, 9 Types, and Eclectic Energies. To create your very own Enneagram draw a circle on a page. Then, nine points equidistant from each other. Each point represents a different personality type. It is important to note that you are most likely a combination of various personality types as most of us aren’t defined by just one.

Once you’ve determined your type, here’s now to apply it:

One | The Reformer

You are constantly trying to improve things around you, have perfectionist tendencies, and campaign for change.

Creativity: It is important for you to feel that you are doing something that matters or will improve the world around you. Find a charity, fundraiser, or political campaign you care deeply about. Creating something unique for them will allow you to explore your creativity while making the difference your personality craves!

Productivity Impatience is an old friend of yours. Set this tendency aside and remember those good things take time to grow.

Relationships: It is easy for you to come across rigid to others. Try to calm your habits of aggression and repression. Focus on modesty and humility when connecting with other people.

Two | The Helper

You are driven by closeness to others and are oftentimes compassionate, genuine, and affectionate.

Creativity: Your people-pleasing nature can lead to feelings of unworthiness. It is difficult to be creative from such a place. Remain self-confident and let go of the feeling that your creativity doesn’t matter.

Productivity: It’s hard to put yourself above other needs, but if you don’t, you’ll never get anything done. Make time to work towards your goals. It’s okay to be selfish now and then.

Relationships: People tend to flock to you, which is wonderful. However, you sometimes feel possessive of others. Release them of your high expectations and take time to understand your emotional needs.

Three | The Achiever

You are focused on success and sometimes image-obsessed. You love the grind and hustle. You love collecting accomplishments and competing for glory.

Creativity: Competition kills creativity. Release the feelings that you have to be better than everyone with the art you decide to create. Allow yourself to focus only on what you’re doing instead of obsessing over everyone else’s works.

Productivity: You have no problem working hard to get things done! Instead of telling you how to work, I am going to suggest taking time to breathe. You are prone to overwhelm and burnout – the enemy of productivity.

Relationships: Make time for others. Sometimes you are so focused on yourself, you forget how important connection is for survival. Be careful not to adapt your life based on the expectations of others.

Four | The Individualist

You are colorful, passionate, narcissistic, and erratic. The best of both worlds!

Creativity: You sometimes have a problem with feeling grim and throwing yourself pity parties. Use this emotional turbulence to make something beautiful. Channeling this negative energy can help you create a more fulfilling life.

Productivity: It is best if you quit nursing negative feelings and focus on using your art to shape your identity. Don’t let the feeling of melancholy prevent you from achieving success.

Relationships: You think that you are unique and one-of-a-kind, and you are! but remember relationships are starved for connectivity. Try to find similarities to those around you and remember that people may not always understand you, but they can love and support you!

Five | The Investigator

You are the intense, cerebral type—your basic fear is being helpless or incapable.

Creativity: You are always wanting to know why things are the way they are You love being in control, but sometimes you have to let all control go and remember you can do things just as well as others can.

Productivity: You love learning, but sometimes you have to put what you’ve learned into action. Investigators tend to get stuck in the planning stage because that is where they have the most control.

Relationships: You may not need social validation like so many other types, but that doesn’t mean that connection isn’t important to you. Try not to get so lost in your thought processes and realize that sometimes people and situations don’t need your analysis.

Six | The Loyalist

You are faithful, security-oriented, nervous and apprehensive.

Creativity: Running on stress may seem like a norm to you, but it’s not! To be truly creative, relax and meditate. You have a hard time trying to connect to your inner guidance. Meditation will help you with confidence in your mind and judgment.

Productivity: Rid yourself of self-doubt. At the slightest bit of failure, you run. But don’t! Stick to is and know that security isn’t always the most important.

Relationships: Until you can connect to your inner guidance, you will have issues connecting to anyone else. Resolve your emotional securities to truly build a strong foundation with others.

Seven | The Enthusiast

You are very active, diversity-seeking, impulsive, and sometimes sporadic.

Creativity: You tend to be undisciplined. Focus your attention on your goal or what you’re creating and reject the constant feeling of FOMO.

Productivity: Avoid multitasking. Too many distractions can keep you from accomplishing anything. Try to focus on one thing at a time until you have finished your project or reached your goal.

Relationships: Spinning your wheels all the time will keep you from being present for others. Staying on the go can keep you from developing relationships with others. You are a pleasure-loving person by nature – embrace this and bring it to others!

Eight | The Challenger

You are dominant, definitive, domineering, and combative.

Creativity: Remember, Ego kills talent. Allow yourself to be vulnerable as it is the cornerstone of creativity. Release the impulse to want to control everything.

Productivity: Get in control with a plan and actionable goals. You work better when you feel you are in the driver’s seat – so put yourself there and drive towards your dreams.

Relationships: Try not to lose emotional contact with others. You try to reject others before they can reject you, but by doing so you’ve blocked your ability to connect with people because you think it gives them power over you.

Nine | The Peacemaker

You are carefree, approachable, and complying.

Creativity: It is difficult for you to create when things are out of place. Create a workspace that embraces your love of balance and peace. Blockages are common with you, whenever possible remind yourself to work from a place of openness.

Productivity: You tend to retreat into your mind when things aren’t going the way that you want them to go. Push past this habit to keep working towards your goals.

Relationships: Your positive nature isn’t always wanted when others are upset. Remember to meet the people in your life where they are and what they aren’t always looking for a silver lining. I hope this personality assessment helps you find more creativity, become more productive, and strengthen your relationships.