Negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions are normal. So why do we beat ourselves up when negativity seeps into our lives? Emerging feelings of guilt quickly lead to a cynical mentality. The good news? Learning to implement simple affirmations can not only replace negative feelings but can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life. 

What are Affirmations?

Affirmations are born from mantras, religious phrases often chanted during meditation, and have been adapted for the modern world. They refer to positive sayings that are repeated to oneself daily to evoke happiness, joy, and confidence. Although that may sound like some spiritual mumbo jumbo, the roots of affirmations and mantras have been prevalent since ancient times and more recently have been supported by modern neuroscience.

So, what does that have to do with you? Using daily affirmations boost your quality of life by forcing you to focus on what you care about, realizing exactly what your dreams and aspirations are, and help to regulate your emotions.


How Do I Create Affirmations?

There are many pre written affirmations floating around that you can certainly use. However, I like to use my personal goals to create very specific affirmations that both put in motion positive self-talk and attract the things I want in my life. Getting clear is the first step to creating successful affirmations. Figure out exactly what you want your life to look like, the kind of person you want to be, and your ideal financial situation.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to get started:

  • Where are you when you are living your happiest life? Are you on vacation? Living in a dream home? Volunteering at your favorite charity?
  • What are the character traits that you want to embody? Do you want to be confident? Charismatic? Outgoing? Fun?
  • How much money do you make? What do you use your money for? How does increasing your wealth help others?

Take time to journal all of the feelings you have when reading these questions and do not edit yourself. For instance, if you are a shy individual the idea of wanting to be a public speaker may seem ridiculous. Write it anyway. If it is a desire you have, repeating it every day will assist you in self-belief that you can and will be a powerful public speaker.

Now is the moment to turn your writings into short, effective sentences. Here few tips before you begin molding your affirmations: You always want to start your phrase in the present as if it is currently happening. Instead of “I want to be more confident” you would say, “I am confident in everything I do.” Be sure they’re less than 10 words so they’re easy to remember. Finally, be very specific. It’s best to choose only three or four affirmations to focus on—really hone in on these.


Here are some examples of how to write affirmations from your answers to the questions above:

  • I want to make six figures to support my family. ~ I make $120,000 a year and support my family.
  • I want to be a leader in my current job and be respected. ~ I am a respected leader at (Insert company name.)
  • I wish I had more time to take care of myself. ~ I execute self-care every day.

How to Implement Affirmations

Affirmations should be the first thing you look at when you wake up and the last thing you see before you go to bed. You will want to repeat each affirmation at least five times. The best way to do this is by writing out your affirmations and putting them somewhere you go during these times. I use my bathroom mirror because that is usually where I go in the morning and night. I also suggest taking time at least once during a busy day to stop and say your phrases in your head. To remember this, I set an alarm on my phone for mid-day. Seeing that little alarm go off reminds me to at least think of my affirmations even if it’s only for a moment during a non-stop day.

I use my bathroom mirror because that is usually where I go in the morning and night. I also suggest taking time at least once during a busy day to stop and say your phrases in your head. To remember this, I set an alarm on my phone for mid-day. 

I have also found it helpful to track when I follow through with saying my daily affirmations. I use a simple task app on my phone to do so, but there are many ways to track this habit. You can download a habit tracking app, create a spreadsheet, or simply journal each day you complete them.

Even If You Fail, You’ve Succeeded

You took time to write out all your affirmations, stuck them on your bathroom mirror, and even created a reminder on your phone. Yet, you still forget to read them off or think of them each day. How frustrating, right? Not necessarily. Thinking about the things you want out of life or the kind of person you want to become will instantly add hope and joy to your life. If you fail to recite your affirmations every day for a week instead of beating yourself up just start over the next week. Soon, you will be able to reap the benefits.