Tags archives: relationships

Maximize Creativity, Productivity, and Relationships Based on Your Enneagram

I am the first to admit—I am a personality quiz-junkie. Lately, I've obsessing over the recent popularity of Enneagram Personality Types. The ideology is derived from Oscar Ichazo, who created the Arica School in the 1960s to share the teachings he learned during his travels in Asia. He focused heavily on self-realization and combined the study of the stars,[...]

Erin Fong Translates Friendship Into Bold Prints With Deeper Meaning

As we get older, how we create novel and truly meaningful relationships seems to be a bit of a mystery. We have our standard stomping grounds and watering holes, but beyond the workplace, fitness class, and favorite bar, how do we find real friends and then keep them? It only makes sense to be able to connect with people in physical locations where there's a[...]