“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla.
The universe is a magical thing. We live in a world of senses, and language is a powerful indicator of the energetic qualities and vibration something holds. Let’s take the word universe itself, it is a ‘uni’ verse- a unified song or symbol of unity. Extrasensory gifts or perceptions are in essence sensory, with that ‘extra’ spark. The same is true for the extraordinary. With all the pointers, clues and messages present in our lives to transform and heal ourselves, begin a path of self- development and mastery, or to discover our true selves in some way. One way to do this is through sound, frequency and vibration. Enter: binaural beats.
Binaural beats are unique frequencies of sound listened to to stimulate brain wave activity. They can be true pathways to the self, allowing for deep and great self- discovery and personal alignment. They have a range of positive effects including enhanced cognitive ability and performance, memory and recall, creativity and creative self- expression, relaxation and lowered stress levels, enhanced or expanded consciousness, and influence to emotional and mental well being. Typically, they’re accompanied by some enjoyable, relaxing or healing music, such as ‘zen’ tones, nature sounds or meditation music.
The beauty of binaural beats is that they work regardless of whether your attention is focused or unfocused. For example, you may choose to listen to them during meditation or structured self- discovery and development time, tuning in to them consciously and with full attention. Or, you may use them as background music during study, writing, reading, relaxation or sleep. Both are effective. The main thing to be aware of is that the moment they are heard and received by your brain, your mind (conscious mind/ consciousness) picks up on the frequencies being emitted. The neurons in your brain—which subsequently affect all other areas of being—respond to the sounds and are affected accordingly.

(Analise Benevides)
Let’s look at the specific effects of binaural beats:
0.1- 4Hz (DELTA)
This frequency range provides access to your unconscious mind. It also relates to deep sleep and your body’s natural pain relieving and self- healing responses during sleep. When you sleep, your mind is allowed to travel and merge with the subconscious. Other aspects of your psyche are accessed and healing can occur due to the state of rest your mind, body, emotions and spirit are going through. Delta is particularly effective for aiding in sleep, dreams, relaxation, meditation and to accompany any study activity that requires a stress- free mental state.
4- 8 Hz (THETA)
Theta frequency ranges are perfect for meditation, creativity and inner peace. Listening to this tone can help induce deep states of relaxation and peace, simultaneously aiding in creative and artistic self- expression. 4- 8 Hz can also be listened to if you are struggling with dreaming as it enhances REM sleep!
8- 14 Hz (ALPHA)
Alpha frequency relates to positive thinking, enhanced mental and cognitive abilities, accelerated learning, relaxation and stress reduction great for learning or study, and focus and concentration. It is important at this point to note that each one of these areas can be significantly improved and integrated with this frequency range. It is not something to overlook.
14- 30 Hz (BETA)
Beta is another one for focused attention and concentration, yet it also helps with higher level cognition and analytical thinking. This binaural beat tone can therefore be very effective for difficult or advanced learning, any form of research paper, exam preparation or important study. Furthermore it can stimulate you into action, motivation and inspiration.
30- 100 Hz (GAMMA)
30- 100 Hz is the frequency you want to attune to for memory and transcendental states. Like the previous two binaural beat states, it enhances cognition and helps process information. Gamma does however expand from this by providing a portal into ‘peak awareness.’ This is a state of consciousness many may refer to as enlightenment. It also provides access to advanced imaginative, creative and genius level channels. If you want to get your creative or ingenious level spark on, gamma may be the wave for you!
Each frequency tone has its own unique effects, being a profound influence on the aspect of mind or self you wish to enhance and connect to. Yet binaural beats and their transformative effects do not have to be limited to solely using them as a form of sound therapy or musical self- discovery. There are a range of ways to enhance the benefits of binaural beats. One of these ways is the use of essential oils.

(Christin Hume)
Essential Oils for Binaural Beat Enhancement
Essential oils from flowers, herbs or plants carry unique healing properties when inhaled (or when applied topically to skin). As they are all natural, they can help bring a divine sensuality and feelings of connection to both your body and the world around. When combined with binaural beats, the use of essential oils can have some profound effects! The best way to absorb the benefits of the oils is to use a diffuser or steam distillation. This can simply be a bowl of hot water with 3- 5 drops of oil.
So what are the best essential oils to inhale alongside binaural beats? Lavender, rose, patchouli, bergamot and rosemary. In truth, there are hundreds of essential oils that would work beautifully with binaural beats, however these provide balance for the different sounds of frequency.
Lavender and rose have a very soothing effect and help calm nerves, tension and stress. They can also help stimulate sleep and help during meditation. They are therefore highly effective for delta and theta frequencies.
Patchouli is great for the emotions, enhancing emotional harmony and balance. Rosemary and bergamot have an uplifting effect, so they are perfect for alpha and beta states. Rosemary aids in memory, learning and dream recall, and bergamot revitalizes any part of yourself which is lacking energy.
You’ll begin to notice more acutely the effects of binaural beats with further familiarity and connection to chosen activities or pursuits. Self- discovery is a process and there are infinite ways, paths and channels to help enhance their effect.
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