Tags archives: work

Standing Desk Meets Brutalist Design

Your word for the day is "brutalism," which does not derive from the word "brutal" but in fact from a French term for "exposed concrete." Brutalism is all about designing something to look solid, industrial, fortified, and purpose-driven. So, this standing desk space is a minimalist tribute to workaholics everywhere. This efficient office space makes use [...]

Hamster Wheel Desk: Innovative Office Furniture or Snarky Capitalist Satire?

Let's make one thing perfectly clear: The human body is evolved to run. We survived up the evolutionary food chain to become the dominant species on the planet not by our brains or brawn, but by our tootsies. Cheetahs may sprint faster in short bursts, but we humans win by sheer persistence. Contrary to the popular notion that we hunted with spears and arrow[...]