Tags archives: vegan

This Lisbon Gem Shows Us The Value of Slow, Seasonal Food

Once, cooking was an act slow and careful and seasoned with love. Eating was synonymous with family, and ingredients came and went with the seasonal whims of nature. A Venda Lusitana, a food concept in the center of Lisbon, is a portal to those times. It stocks an ever-evolving range of locally produced products, and then uses those same products to creat[...]

Thanksgiving for Vegans: A Delicious and Cruelty-Free Menu with Recipes

As a vegan, Thanksgiving might seem like a holiday that we have to give up, however making an all vegan meal that’s also cruelty-free and delicious is easier than you think! Really, anything can be veganized, and even if you’re a meat eater, these recipes make for delicious additions to any Thanksgiving meal. Here are a few favorites recipes from Plant Based[...]