Tags archives: healthy-habits

5 Totally Relevant and Doable Resolutions

Hot take: New Year’s Resolutions are a scam. Dropping them feels outlandishly shameful, despite the fact that January you almost never knows what’s right for next December’s you. Maybe the January 2019 version of yourself wants to do a year long stint in vegetarianism, only to find out two weeks later that she feels lightheaded without meat in her diet. Ordi[...]

5 Reasons Why Resolutions Matter

It's funny how transitioning from one day to another bubbles up so much to the surface. Goodbye one year, hello another; this time I'm going to completely reinvent myself. Resolutions may sound trivial, but they also bring up a healthy and very necessary perspective. They force you to take a hard look at yourself and reveal what you need—be it a career chang[...]