Tags archives: growth

The Worst Advice About Chasing Dreams

I remember sitting in my cubicle typing daunting e-mails, answering dozens of phone calls, and barely staying awake through pointless meetings thinking, “is this all there is to life?” I used to think I was the only one that looked around at fellow corporate drones feeling out of place until I started talking to others about my aspirations. Most of my cowor[...]

Why I Left a Comfortable Life to Travel the World

Three months ago, I boarded a ship, and left the United States.  I lived in one of the most beautiful towns in California.  I socialized amongst a wonderful group of friends, worked in the best CPA firm west of the Sierras, interacted with a large family, and dated the most beautiful, supportive woman I’ve ever known in my 27 years. And yet, I left.  I le[...]

Beyond Nowhere: Headed West

I headed west with a different understanding of myself, even if the answers weren’t as clear as I thought they would be; but no matter what answers I had thought I would find but still had not, I learned things that would impact my next steps. On a fundamental level I Iearned the essence of who I am doesn't just disappear because something I had chosen to de[...]