Wellness + Inspiration

Why I Quit My Life as a Full-Time Traveler for an Office Job

When I graduated from college in 2015 with a photojournalism degree, I had only one goal in mind: to get out of the U.S. as fast as humanly possible. I wasn’t unhappy with my life in America. I had job opportunities, family, friends and a president who could complete a full, coherent sentence. I had nothing to run from, yet my feet were itching to hit inte[...]

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Become Your Own Advocate

I contracted at Google for nearly a year. The first couple of weeks were some of the most intimidating I’ve ever experienced. Everywhere I looked there were skilled people good enough to be full-time employees with a white badge. (Contractors wear a red badge). Just on my way to the bathroom I’d see someone with two PhD’s, an engineer who worked on “machine [...]

Why Energy Healing May Be Just What You Need

Where we used to turn to a shrink—or wise best friend—we’re now refocusing to hone in on healing our energy. Talk therapy will always be a go-to (I mean what would we do without the ability to vent here and there), but this is being complimented with crystal adornment, chakra healing, and delving into past lives or spiritual purging with a shaman. People [...]

How To Start Working Towards Your Ideal Life

I sat at my computer on the first Monday three weeks after I put my notice in at my cozy 9-5 gig. Okay, I thought, here we go! Then, I just sat. Scrolled through social media, read a few blog posts, and then it was five o'clock. The great thing about not having a boss is, well, you don't have a boss. The downside? You don't have anyone holding you accountabl[...]

5 Reasons Why Resolutions Matter

It's funny how transitioning from one day to another bubbles up so much to the surface. Goodbye one year, hello another; this time I'm going to completely reinvent myself. Resolutions may sound trivial, but they also bring up a healthy and very necessary perspective. They force you to take a hard look at yourself and reveal what you need—be it a career chang[...]

Letter From the Editor 2018: Still Finding My Way

For those of you that follow Rogue Habits, you know that for the past few months, there has been almost no movement. We’ve come and gone in this way, as a specter in the night. One month it’s all hands on deck and go, go go; the next it’s crickets chirping. Honestly, writing and keeping up with Rogue Habits has been challenging. This is a one-wo[...]

5 Ways To Implement Gratitude Daily

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tolle. We should be grateful for all that we have in our lives. Sometimes that's easy and things just fall into place. Dominoes one by one. But sometimes, life can be a mess and every element around you seems to be in disarray. It's these times that we wa[...]

The Worst Advice About Chasing Dreams

I remember sitting in my cubicle typing daunting e-mails, answering dozens of phone calls, and barely staying awake through pointless meetings thinking, “is this all there is to life?” I used to think I was the only one that looked around at fellow corporate drones feeling out of place until I started talking to others about my aspirations. Most of my cowor[...]

How To Create Habits That Stick

That a habit takes 21 days to form is one of those stubborn myths which, once planted into the public consciousness, simply refused to die. It originated with the research of one Dr. Maxwell Maltz back in the 1950s, and Maltz's actual hypothesis (yes, hypothesis — he never scientifically proved it) was that a habit takes at least 21 days to form. Somewher[...]

The Power of Rituals—How One Small Habit Can Have an Immensely Positive Effect

I have a confession to make: I'm the kind of person that can inhale a meal. You know when it's there in front of you one second and the next you look down and your plate is somehow empty? Happens. And coincidentally my boyfriend is the same (maybe not so coincidentally. You gotta to have some shared interests, right?) This is obviously not great for reaso[...]