Tags archives: gracie-ryan

Lapel Drives Social Movement Through Songwriting

Debbie Neigher always had trouble expressing her feelings. Despite her parents’ careers in psychology, both she and her brother struggled with communication throughout their childhoods. Then, when she turned 13, Neigher started to write her own music. “My family wasn’t very open or communicative with our emotions,” says Neigher. “Songwriting has always been [...]

Capturing A Woman's Rise Through Stunning Flower Portraits

Theresa Bear is on the hunt for wild women. Women who can’t be controlled or contained. Women who have persisted despite the glass ceiling, stereotypes and personal trauma. Women who know their worth.  Theresa is on a mission to document their rise. She’s giving herself nine months. Nine months to bring the project to term. With the help of her par[...]

Your Next Trip: Two Weeks In New Zealand

Two weeks -- or two months, for that matter -- is not nearly enough time to explore all of the wonders of New Zealand. The country is made up of two islands, four major cities, 14 national parks and 4 million people. But if two weeks is all you have, you better make the most of it. I spent two weeks on a solo backpacking trip in New Zealand and divide[...]