Tags archives: fulfillment

Why I Quit My Life as a Full-Time Traveler for an Office Job

When I graduated from college in 2015 with a photojournalism degree, I had only one goal in mind: to get out of the U.S. as fast as humanly possible. I wasn’t unhappy with my life in America. I had job opportunities, family, friends and a president who could complete a full, coherent sentence. I had nothing to run from, yet my feet were itching to hit inte[...]

5 Ways To Implement Gratitude Daily

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." Eckhart Tolle. We should be grateful for all that we have in our lives. Sometimes that's easy and things just fall into place. Dominoes one by one. But sometimes, life can be a mess and every element around you seems to be in disarray. It's these times that we wa[...]

Collaboration Begs A Relationship With The Self

It's no trade secret that collaboration bears the sweetest fruit. The obvious example of such perfectly ripened yield is the work of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, two brilliant musicians in their own rights, but magnitudes better when together. Compare just the second side of Magical Mystery Tour (host to classics like “Penny Lane,” “Strawberry Fields Fore[...]

How A Canceled Flight Changed My Life

Last Winter, a Nor'easter slammed into New York City, leaving above-ground trains without service, canceling days of office work for thousands, and accounting for an uptick in beer and wine sales. Had I been in my tiny, Brooklyn apartment that week, my purchases surely would have made up a great deal of those profits. Unfortunately for the local liquor store[...]

Why I Left a Comfortable Life to Travel the World

Three months ago, I boarded a ship, and left the United States.  I lived in one of the most beautiful towns in California.  I socialized amongst a wonderful group of friends, worked in the best CPA firm west of the Sierras, interacted with a large family, and dated the most beautiful, supportive woman I’ve ever known in my 27 years. And yet, I left.  I le[...]

Why I Quit My 9-5 to Pursue Music

Pure bliss is an underlying craving within us all. The search for happiness is one that has become never-ending in our society. We are conditioned to believe that once you obtain a number of dreams, be it a job, partner, body, or home, you've done it. You have reached the pinnacle of life. Our minds define happiness through the lenses that society has create[...]

Life With a Purpose Improves Mental and Physical Wellbeing

“You can do anything you want.” A push towards happiness; a struggle for passion; an all or nothing endeavor; a disconnect from reality? This mentality—living in the moment and doing what one feels is right for them as opposed to socially accepted norms—seems to have spurred a collective distrust—or disgust rather—in the individuals that have embraced it; in[...]